it’s been a little over a month since I’ve been on the cycloset. And what an interesting month it has
been. As I’ve tracked my FBG
across my cycle I’ve discovered a correlation between my FBG levels and my Progesterone
levels. What? How is insulin connected to hormones
you ask? “Insulin is a hormone, produced by the pancreas, which is central to regulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. Insulin causes
cells in the liver, muscle, and fat tissue to take up glucose from the blood, storing it as glycogen inside these tissues.”[1]
How does insulin work?
“Insulin stops the use of fat as an energy source by inhibiting the
release of glucagon. With the exception of the metabolic
disorder diabetes mellitus and metabolic
syndrome, insulin is
provided within the body in a constant proportion to remove excess glucose from
the blood, which otherwise would be toxic. When blood glucose levels fall below
a certain level, the body begins to use stored sugar as an energy source
through glycogenolysis, which breaks down the glycogen
stored in the liver and muscles into glucose, which can then be utilized as an
energy source.”[2]
So how does insulin impact in women who have PCOS? Let’s investigate.
Remember PCOS is a
dis-regulation of a woman’s hormones.
But how does that dis-regulation cause insulin resistance? First off, PCOS develops when the ovaries overproduce androgens (e.g., testosterone).[3] What does this mean? This means my ovaries produce more
testosterone, than they should. Why is this important to women with PCOS? “Research
also suggests that when insulin levels in the blood are high enough, the ovary
can be stimulated to produce more testosterone. That is, the combination of
having ovaries that are responsive to insulin and high insulin levels in the blood
can result in the overproduction of testosterone.”[4]
Whoa Nellie! This means that my ovaries are super sensitive to insulin, which in turn causes them to make more testosterone. What I’m trying to figure out is how did I become so sensitive to insulin. Here’s what I think happens, with me. My ovaries produce extra testosterone, beyond what they normally should for a woman. This drives insulin sensitivity. So it seems that through out my cycle, when Progesterone drops, Testosterone and Estrogen spike. When Testosterone spikes, my Fasting Blood Glucose spikes. Crazy huh?
I made this observation after tracking my FBG and my cycle
for the past month. I've been on the cycloset since
26 July. The following are the readings I've been taking right before eating
30min after waking. My normal wake up time is approximately 515-530 am
Here are my FBG across the time
8/1 -
didn't test – forgot,
didn't test forgot,
8/4 85
8/5 89
75mg/dl I was up about 1hr earlier than normal to be at work early for an early
morning meeting.
73mg/dl - I was up about 1hr earlier to get ready for a business trip w/an
early morning flight - don't think this is part of my normal pattern,
didn't test forgot,
8/17 98
8/18 87mg/dl,
8/22 101
8/30 104
initial look at these numbers they’re ok, but not great. By conventional medicine I’m not quite
pre-diabetic so everything is A OK. However my PCP took a look at these numbers
and is in agreement that they’re not good. But the question is why aren’t they
good? Given I eat low carb, Epi-Paleo
diet my FBG shouldn’t be above 85mg/dl.
But they are. What’s going on?
Lets look at the numbers again – based upon where they fit within my
cycle, we might find something.
Remember, I’m using Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, to help
control my migraines, and address my upside down Pg:E2 ratio.
98mg/dl, cd 26, day 1 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml, felt left over effects of a migraine
on cd 24 – indicative of a drop in progesterone
90mg/dl, cd 27, day 2 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml, felt left over effects of migraine on
cd 24, not sleeping well – indicative of a drop in progesterone
83mg/dl, cd 1, day 3 cycloset, Pg .4ml, normal ickyness associated w/beginning
of time of the month (TOTM)
93mg/dl, cd 2, day 4 cycloset, Pg .4ml, TOTM
94mg/dl, cd 3, day 5 cycloset, Pg .4ml, TOTM
didn’t test – forgot, cd 4, day 6 cycloset, Pg .4ml, TOTM
8/1 -
didn't test – forgot, cd 5, day 7 cycloset, Pg .4 ml, TOTM ends
89mg/dl, cd 6, day 8 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml, some intermittent spotting
didn't test forgot, cd 7 day 9 cycloset, Pg .8 mL TriEst .1ml, some
intermittent spotting
8/4 85
mg/dl, cd 8, day 10 cycloset, Pg .8 ml, TriEst .1ml,
8/5 89
mg/dl, cd 9, day 11 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1 ml
91mg/dl, cd 10, Day 12 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml
92mg/dl cd 11, day 13 cycloset, Pg.8ml, TriEst .1ml
75mg/dl I was up about 1hr earlier than normal to be at work early for an early
morning meeting. cd 12, day 14 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml
87mg/dl, cd 13, day 15 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml
88mg/dl, cd 14, day 16 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml
87mg/dl, cd 15, day 17 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml
91mg/dl, cd16, day 18 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml
73mg/dl - I was up about 1hr earlier to get ready for a business trip w/an
early morning flight - don't think this is part of my normal pattern, cd 17,
day 19 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml
91mg/dl, cd 18, day 20 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml
didn't test forgot, cd 19, day 21 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml
97mg/dl, cd 20, day 22 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml
8/17 98
mg/dl, cd 21, day 23 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml
8/18 87mg/dl,
cd 22, day 24 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml
101mg/dl, cd 23, day 25 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml
92mg/dl, cd 24, day 26 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml, hard time falling asleep, not
sleeping well – in past had migraine on this cd, progesterone is dropping, Think
I need more at the end of my cycle
104mg/dl, cd 25, day 27 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml, harder to get to sleep, - not
sleeping well, Pg dropping
8/22 101
mg/dl, cd 26, day 28 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml, harder to get to sleep, not sleeping
well, slight head pressure feels like I’m going to get a migraine, definite Pg
109mg/dl, cd 27, day 29 cycloset, Pg 1.0ml, migraine right before bed, think
TOTM getting ready to start, hard time falling asleep, didn’t sleep well,
94mg/dl, cd 1, day 30 cycloset, TOTM started, Pg .4ml, not sleeping well, not
enough Pg to balance Estrogen or Testosterone
97mg/dl, cd 2, day 31 cycloset, TOTM, Pg .4ml, not sleeping well, not enough Pg
to balance Estrogen or Testosterone
95mg/dl, cd 3, day 31 cycloset, TOTM ended in evening, Pg .4 ml, not sleeping
well, not enough Pg to balance Estrogen or Testosterone
92mg/dl, cd 4, day 32 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml, some spotting midday,
started to sleep better but not as good as mid cycle
89mg/dl, cd 5, day 33 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml, sleeping better but not
as good as mid cycle
90mg/dl, cd 6 , day 34 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml, sleeping better but not
as good as mid cycle
8/30 104
mg/dl, cd 7, day 35 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml, spotting through out day,
didn’t sleep well at all that night, not enough PG, as Estrogen begins to rise
w/in cycle
109mg/dl, cd 8, day 36 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml, spotting again
throughout day, didn’t sleep well, not enough Pg – thinking estrogen and
testosterone are rising together as ovaries prepare for ovulation.
92mg/dl, cd 9, day 37 cycloset, Pg. 8ml, TriEst .1ml, didn’t sleep well at all,
hard time getting to sleep, definitely not enough Pg. at this point in cycle
92mg/dl. Cd 10, day 38 cycloset, Pg .8ml, TriEst .1ml, slept like crap again,
total hormonal bitch on wheels during the day, definitely not enough
progesterone at this point in my cycle.
Wow that’s a lot of detailed
information. Probably a bit TMI,
but I’m trying to figure out what’s going on, and if I don’t keep track of
details I can’t help my PCP and BHRT Docs decide where I need to go next. I analyze data for a living. I look at
number and causal relationship and identify potential outcomes. So, as I began analyzing my own data I noticed,
that as Progesterone dropped at the end of my cycle, my Fasting Blood glucose
went up. Why? I also noticed that across my cycle,
when I have a hard time sleeping, I don’t have enough Progesterone either. This happens in two points, the last 5
days of my cycle, through TOTM, and as Estrogen begins to rise starting around
cycle day 5/6.
So, I asked a question of Dr Jack Kruse on his forum:
His answer led me back to the Testosterone, and Estrogen surges and low Pg at certain points in the cycle. I am a Textbook case of PCOS. Excess testosterone and estrogen production by the ovaries, drives an increase in insulin, which creates insulin resistance, and higher FBG because of the imbalance in Progesterone production. Which in-turn impacts gut micro-flora, causing more FBG issues, because my body doesn’t respond to insulin the way it should. Wow. Is this the Brain Gut Series or what! Check out BrainGut7 for a refresher.
Ok, so now that we’ve gotten closer to pinpointing the driving factor in everything going on with my health how are we going to fix it? We’ll in a discussion on FaceBook lead me down the rabbit hole of metformin (Hey Dr Kruse I spelled it right for once!). That discussion led to the following thread on Dr Kruse’s forum:
In this thread Dr Kruse posted the
following: "Metformin is
only a relatively weak inhibitor of mitochondrail complex I, (For Morley
Robbins: the incidence of life threatening lactic acidosis is very low.)
Metformin generate huge amounts of superoxide at the mitochondrial membrane.
Pay attn to the fact that in T2D we have IR which also produces SO. So how it
works for longevity is counter intuitive to all those who dont get
biochemistry. Annexin V is a marker of of bad cellular function in IR.
Metformin does not stop oxphos at complex one, but it decrease our leakiness
there. I believe it does this by reversing flow of electrons there and makes
them go to complex two which offers a major organic chemical advantage. We
produce more ATP but create less ROS. this means we age less. We reverse
neolithic disease. This is how metformin works. So metformin poisons visceral
fat cells and makes them burn their fat at complex two. Now here is the irony
that confuses Morley. Metformin on the surfaces causes IR in fat cells. And
many think that is why it ia poison and should be avoided. I dont. because they
dont understand how it works totally, just partially. Metformin's correlation
with low carb diet: since glucose generates 5 times more NADH+ (cytochrome one)
then at cytochrome two (FADH2) it increases complex 1 activity. By the way
Morley, more Mag is required too at cytochrome 1 so metformin is still win to
your dogma too. Now from Nick Lane's masterpiece, Power Sex and Suicide, he
reports, it looks like balanced utilization of C1-C4 leads to healthy and happy
mitochondria." What is bad in low T3 states, T2D, or IR? ALL suffer from
bad mitochondria. The giant circle of life!Terry L. Wahls would
probably love this because she is all over minding her mitochondria. I put all
my MS patients on metformin because of these intricate biochemical factors.
People who do consults with me have known about this for years. The rest of the
world is just waking up to it. Anti-Aging medicine being the leaders. metformin
appears to correct the changes in adipocytes which lead to systemic insulin
resistance. There will come a point where, as adipocytes shrink, they will
become functional again and generate appropriate levels of fatty acids for the
metabolic conditions prevailing and release an appropriate mix of saturated and
monounsaturated fats for normal body energy homeostasis."
I followed up with the question - "how does metaformin work at the brain
for Insulin Resistance???" to which he responded "it down
regulates mTore in the brain just like the sirtuins....another levee
I haven not hit yet. The giant circle of life continues."
WOW. Ok that’s a lot to take
in! So basically, a woman who has
PCOS her body’s mitochondria act like they are T2D. So, I have bad mitochondria that are directly impacted by
the overproduction of Testosterone, Estrogen at the ovaries, which drives an
increase in insulin. Talk about a
vicious cycle. This means I can’t
fix the insulin issue, unless I fix my mitochondria issue. So, that’s the next step. Tomorrow I’m going to see my PCP and
we’re going to be adding metformin to the arsenal to fix my mitochondria, and
my FBG issues associated with my ovaries overproduction of Testosterone and
However, its just one thing in the effort to fix my hormonal issues which are driving disease. Metformin will help the mitochondria, but things won’t fully come around until we address the gut issues that are keeping everything from falling into place. I’ve got to address the gut issues. And that’s going to mean I finally need to kick the candida I’ve been harboring to the curb. So, I’ll also be talking with my PCP about a 12-week course of diflucan to address the candida. Add that to daily consumption of good bugs from my home made sauerkraut, and daily consumption of Kevita, and lots of raw seafood and a diet focused solely on Epi-Paleo Rx, lots of K2, and sublingual transreversitol my gut should get back on track. I’ll keep you posted as I continue to progress towards Optimal health.
Another reason for continual candida issues can be found in heavy metal challenges. Candida protects the heavy metal.
ReplyDeleteGretchen,I can relate on so many levels here. Thank you for putting the pieces of the puzzle together so well. I'm going to print this up and take it to my doctor and say LOOK... THIS IS WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME. I really respect the amount of time and effort you put into your health and then sharing with the rest of us. I know I have definitely learned lots from you and will continue to do so. THANK YOU SOOOO VERY MUCH FOR SHARING THIS.. this is great information.